
OUR EARLY EDUCATION program provides a balanced approach where children will LEARN, GROW, and THRIVE socially, emotionally, academically, and spiritually.

Learning is a developmental process and every child will succeed by progressing at their own speed and reaching their potential. Each child will receive one-on-one instructional time and will be challenged academically in a nurturing and positive way. We believe children LEARN best in a structured yet fun environment that teaches to all learning styles.

The ABEKA Curriculum will be used in each classroom for teaching letters and phonics, numbers and math, and handwriting. A monthly unit approach is used which incorporates many thematic explorations including science, art, music, and imaginative play. We strive to make learning fun!

what will my child learn?

Our class time is a balance of teacher-led pencil/paper work and child-centered hands-on activities and play, as well as daily learning games, and crafts to reinforce what is being taught.

Young children learn through exposure, exploration, experimenting, and example. You can expect your child to learn a variety of skills and accomplish many academic goals.

At 8TH STREET ACADEMY we want children to love learning and build a solid academic foundation for years to come.

students will participate in many creative activities to teach:

  • Letter recognition  

  • Phonetic sounds of consonants and short vowels 

  • Recognition of first name 

  • Counting 1-25 

  • Number recognition 1-15 

  • Recognition of colors and six basic shapes 

  • Memorization of poems, songs, scripture, days of the week, and American Flag Salute

  • Introduction to Sign language 

  • Science: colors, five senses, sink/float, magnets, mud, animals, worms

  • Unit Studies: Colors & Shapes, Five Senses, Community Friends, Pets, Under the Sea,  Circus, On the Farm, Nursery Rhymes 

  • and so much more!



Students will build on what was taught in preschool and continue their learning journey which includes: 

  • Recognition of uppercase and lowercase letters 

  • Phonetic sounds of consonants and short vowels 

  • Completion of 12 Abeka K4 readers which introduce blends and one vowel words

  • Introduction to handwriting using an “upstairs, downstairs, basement” concept

  • Writing of first name in correct formation - an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters

  • Counting by 1s and 10s to 100 

  • Number recognition and writing 1-20 

  • Concepts of money 

  • Recognition of eight shapes 

  • Sign language colors, numbers, and beginning vocabulary 

  • Counting 1-10 in Spanish 

  • Memorization of poems, songs, scripture, Days of the Week, and American Flag Salute

  • Science: animals, apples, weather, seasons, pumpkins, healthy bodies

  • Unit Studies: Vowels, Safety, Fairy Tales, Dinosaurs, When I Grow Up, Flowers, Camping,  Bugs 

  • and so much more!


Students will expand their knowledge base and graduate kindergarten ready for first grade and beyond. Some academic highlights include: 

  • Recognition of name and phonetic sound of long and short vowels and consonants

  • Beginning phonics rules and twelve special sounds 

  • Ten sight words 

  • Completion of twelve Abeka K5 readers 

  • Number recognition and writing of numbers 1-100 

  • Number concepts 1-100 

  • Using number words 1-10 and first-tenth 

  • Value of coins 

  • Telling time 

  • Using the calendar: days of the week, months of the year 

  • Addition facts through 10 and beginning subtraction 

  • Counting and writing by 1s, 10s, 5s, and 2s to 100 

  • Recognition of ten shapes 

  • Memorization of poems, songs, scripture, and American/Christian Flag Salutes

  • Sign language colors, numbers, alphabet, songs, stories 

  • Introduction to Spanish: numbers, colors, everyday vocabulary

  • Penmanship  

  • Writing of first and last name  

  • Social Studies: My Community, My Country, Nine Countries around the world

  • Introduction to American History 

  • Science: Creation, weather/seasons, insects, birds, animals, lifecycles, seashore

  • Music: simple theory and instrumentation 

  • Unit Studies: Nursery Rhymes, Creation, Space, Penguins, Friendship, Kindergarten Cafe,  Birds, Bees, By the Sea 

  • and so much more!

how will my child grow?

Students at 8TH STREET ACADEMY will GROW in a loving, well-planned environment that has been designed for them. With extra-large classrooms and an outdoor play space we know childhood is an important time of development. Every child will be given many positive opportunities to mature and grow in the following key areas.


  • Using gross motor skills: jumping, hopping, balancing, galloping, skipping, movement, &  PLAY 

  • Using fine motor skills: coloring, writing, arts and crafts, scissor skills, puzzles, sensory and learning centers 

  • Being in a safe, sanitized environment


  • Through cooperative play/playing well with others 

  • Sharing and taking turns 

  • Practicing conflict resolution strategies 

  • Using good manners 

  • Being respectful of other’s space and things


  • Building confidence and a high self-esteem 

  • Feeling loved, cared for, and believed in 

  • Becoming more independent  

  • Using words to share feelings

  • Being responsible for papers, crafts, snack, table space, and cubby

  • Observing class rules 

  • Trying new things


  • Hearing Bible stories and songs 

  • Memorizing scripture  

  • Starting each school day with prayer 

  • By teachers that model a standard of Christian excellence 

  • Classes being based on and rooted in Christian values and beliefs 

  • Honoring God in every area of our teaching and learning


  • Following directions 

  • Being attentive  

  • Completing classwork and crafts 

  • Trying to do our best 

  • Participating in class activities 

  • Progressing at own speed and reaching academic potential 

  • Being given one-on-one instructional time 

  • Being challenged academically (opportunity for advanced work) 

  • Finishing homework and reading (Kindergarten)